Warthog Anus (Namibia) (5/5)

    This one is sure to test anyone’s limits, just ask celebrity chef and travel enthusiast Anthony Bourdain, who is well known for eating some of the most repulsive things he has been dared to. After tasting Namibia’s traditional delicacy of non-other than Warthog Anus, the usually brave Bourdain was quoted stating the experience of eating the anus of the wild boar “All those years of telling you to eat as the locals do, take a chance, don’t be squeamish, they’re all coming back to haunt me. Behold the worst meal of my life.” So should you ever find yourself in the beautiful Namibia, Southern Africa, then it would be wise to avoid their traditional Warthog Anus, filled with dust, sand, and fecal matter. The grotesque taste is not the only thing that will scare you off, the preparation is a killer. True to the ancient how the San men of Namibia’s African tribes would cook this beast, once you have hunted and slaughtered the Warthog, gut the stomach, pull out the scrumptious anus and be sure to pull out the last 1 foot of the attached intestine. Then proceed to squeezing out all the juicy feces and we are ready to get cooking. It’s not necessary to clean the intestines or anus either because you want all the gooey intestinal fluids that came out of the warthog to sink right into that delicious boar meat. Lastly, simply start a fire and throw this warthog booty into it. Oh, and you can totally ignore the dirt and ashes from the fire that will definitely cover the anus – that is also the traditional Namibian way to spice up this delight.

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